Weekend Warrior

Weekend Warrior is now Freeware!

You can now download the full version of Weekend Warrior for free!

NOTE: This freeware game is provided as-is and without technical support, so please don't bug us with bugs. The game is old - its amazing it still runs at all.


You're a player in the most action packed and intense game show ever aired: Weekend Warrior. All you can do to defend yourself is slug at your opponents with your handy "swing thing."

Choose a Character, there's 8 to choose from!
Postal Paul battles in the Fun House

The cowboy battles killer tomatoes in the Topiary Maze
The Astronaut explores the Space Station and discovers an alien infestation!

The Super-Fan takes shelter near a staircase in the Pagoda.
Lost in the abandoned Gold Mine

The Butcher "Delicatessen Dan" battles evil ghosts in the Haunted House!


Weekend Warrior is best run with at least the following configuration:

However, the game will also run without a 3D accelerator on fast machines with at least 24megs of RAM. It is recommended you have at least a 120mhz 604 processor to run without a 3D accelerator. To run "well" without an accelerator, you'd be better off with at least a 180mhz 604e.

Note: Even if you have a 250mhz 604e, you'll have to shrink the game play window 30% for it to run at the desired 20 frames/second if you don't have a 3D accelerator card.

You can probably tell that we HIGHLY recommend purchasing a 3D accelerator card to play this game, but if you've got the horsepower, you should have no problem.