Instruction Manual


If you turn on Voice Recognition in the Preferences Dialog then the game will respond to certain voice commands if you have a microphone connected to your Mac. This feature is just for show, and is only meant to be a fun little feature to show your friends. It is not meant to be used to play the game since the latency is very high, and it uses up more CPU time that would better be spent on the game physics and rendering. So, turn this feature on to have some fun with it, but remember to turn it off when you're done.

The voice recognition works quite well most of the time, however, there are things which will cause it to not work; primarily background noise. If you have the game's volume up and the music playing then the voice recognition will never work. It is best to either turn the volume all the way down, or listen with headphones.

The following is a list of all of the voice commands that the game will recognize at various places:


"Nucleus" Starts Playing Nucleus
"Fireworms" Starts Playing Fireworms
"Warheads" Starts Playing Fireworms
"Exit" Quits the Application
"Prefs" or "Preferences" Brings up the Preferences Dialog


"Pause" or "Resume Game" Un-Pauses the Game
"End Game " End the Current Game
"Quit" Quits the Application


"Fire" Causes the Player to Shoot
"Pause " Pauses the Game


"Fire Left" Causes the Left Launcher to Fire
"Fire Center " Causes the Middle Launcher to Fire
"Fire Right" Causes the Right Launcher to Fire
"Quit" Quits the Application


"Fire" Causes the Player to Shoot
"Pause " Pauses the Game

©2006 Pangea Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Pangea Arcade, Nucleus, Warheads, and Fireworms are trademarks of Pangea Software, Inc.